Monday, February 28, 2011

This week's goal...

I have so many goals that I should be making, but this week's goal is to drink more water.  Easily said: we'll see if it's easily done.


  1. It really is hard to get all that water in. I feel like I am peeing all the time.

  2. We all have lots of goals that we want to do at one time...and sometimes that's why we are only partially successful at doing them. This is really hard for me too!

    You can do it girlfriend! Drink that Water!!!

  3. Thanks girls!! The worst part, like Marci said, is peeing all the time. I can't even go out to run errands with out having to plan where the cleanest bathroom will be. Haha! :)

  4. Water is the hardest one for me. Good luck!

  5. Haha, I went to Target today before I drove to Reagan airport. I peed when I went in and then again before I left and I totally had to go before I made it home from the airport...I can into my house when I got home!

  6. Now if it were Diet Coke that we had to drink I'd have no problem getting my 64 oz in each day. I don't know why it's so hard to drink that amount in water. Having given up all soda I would think that the water consumption would not be a problem for me but it is.....good choice Missy. It would be my goal too if I didn't have another one that I need to concentrate on more.
