Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Snack Time

Meet my new best friend.  It's fat free and a nice sized tablespoonful is enough for me to dip my apple slices in at lunch.  At only 50 calories for a Tbsp, this snack is getting me through the post-candy letdown.  I feel like I'm still enjoying the sweets, without all the bad side effects.

When I'm in the mood for savory instead of sweet, I go for this:

Four Tbsp of salsa is only 20 calories.  Pair it with 15 of the baked Tostitos for a 140 calorie snack.  Not bad, especially because it feels "junky" but includes veggies.

And though I stayed away from the candy almost the entire day yesterday, I did cave at 8:00 and took Audrey's advice to have a bite sized Milky Way.  It was just enough to satisfy my sweets craving but left me wanting more.  Gotta have a different plan tonight.

I'm looking for other 100 - 150 calorie snack ideas . . . tell me what you've got ladies!


  1. Popcorn, veggies and hummus, dry cereal, almonds, and fresh fruit. But you know these already.

  2. I am going to the store tomorrow to get me some of those chips and dip...it looks so good!

  3. I keep thinking I need to go buy some Otter Pops to have on hand for a cool 25 calorie treat.

  4. Lately my snack has been a high protein greek yogurt with maybe 1/8 cup granola for a little crunch.

    Fudgecicles sound great especially since it's been so stinkin' hot.

    I've been enjoying good meals lately that I haven't needed any snacks.

    I'll have to keep my thinkin' brain on.

  5. Audrey- what kind of greek yogurt are you eating? I just tried the plain greek yogurt for the first time and thought I was going to gag. Do you do a flavor? I was looking at the yoplait brand and there was so much sugar added, so that's why I went to the plain. Maybe a different brand is better?

  6. Oh, those Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches are 140, btw.
