Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Stomach Muscles

I have stomach muscles!! It's amazing how much I've used them lately. And how sore my muscles are after I do, which has been a bit surprising. I mean I knew I was out of shape, but sheesh. Unfortunately, I am using these muscles in my bathroom, particularly over my toilet (which is immaculately clean, and will be for the next 7 months). I never knew how good those abs (and whatever the sides of your gut are called) could contract. Now, this is the main problem. NOTHING sounds good. NOTHING smells good. The thought of watching ANOTHER episode of Dora the Explorer makes me nauseated. Going to the grocery store has been a test in will power to actually BUY something (my poor husband). When something does sound good, I eat it, and then I am never going to eat it again because it ended up making me feel gross. By the time this little tyke comes out, I will have run out of food that I can stand to eat.

Now, here is the unusual part (for me, at least), eating helps the nausea. So I feel like I am constantly eating. I'm trying to eat good things, like honeydew and grapes, but I'm finding myself eating more popsicles and hard candy than anything else. HELP!! Any tips on this morning sickness (which really lasts from 8 at night to noon the next day).


  1. I hope some of these ladies have some great advice. I'm no help what so ever as I never really had a problem with that except for the first one and it didn't last long, especially when I quit drinking orange juice. I feel bad that you are so sick.

  2. Hi,

    You have to exert effort to free yourself from the embarrassment that goes with it. There really is no magical formula which can address this particular dilemma overnight. Well defined muscles in your abdomen will be acquired only with your complete focus, hard work and patience.

    Health Tips by Junagadh

  3. Congratulations Audrey, you've gotten your first spam comment! Looks like it's time to enable the word verification. :)

  4. I always was a bread eater. Maybe find some yummy bread that is a whole grain to keep the nausea away.

  5. I've noticed that I am eating a lot more bread than normal! My doctor prescribed some sort of anitnausea today. I guess that's good....

  6. I have no morning sickness advice, but I say way to go on the stomach muscles!
