Sunday, April 18, 2010

Am I the only one who wants 5 points?

I have been taking an exercise sabbath on Sundays and Sundays are usually one of my Free Range days, but those 5 bloggy points: not giving those up. So here's what I did right today: started the day with a 12 oz glass of water and multi-vitamin right off the bat; did not eat any of the freshly baked butter braids bread served at fellowship after church today; made my my favorite salad for dinner, had my husband buy extra fruit for breakfast tomorrow so that I would have something to mix with my yogurt, budgeted my range calories so that I could enjoy two homemade oatmeal cookies right out of the oven.

There's a bunch of stuff I didn't quite get right today (to be reflected in my point total for the week)....but, on a Sunday, I'm grateful for what I did right. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.


  1. Boy I have been slacking on my blogging points lately! Thanks for the reminder. I too have been taking my free range days on Sunday, and not exercising. Oops, I forgot my vitamin too. Better go take that now, before the clock strikes 12. Have a great night!

  2. Melissa, I never exercise on Sunday. Obviously for Sabbath day reasons and also it does a body good to have a day of rest.

    Sunday is a great day to reflect on all aspects of our lives. Thanks for the great reminder.

    It's also nice to know that there is always a new day to wake up to!

  3. P.S. I get a notification on every comment and see who's commenting and who's putting up post! Thanks for all your great thoughts!!!!

  4. No exercise for me today, either. And I'm finding that because of the 3 hour block in church and my Sunday afternoon nap, I often have lower calories on Sundays unless we have Sunday dinner with our friends (once a month). Not that I could have pigged out today anyways after my 600 calories of frosting on Wednesday... Tonight I made pancakes for dinner for everyone else and made myself a chicken salad. It was yummy and filling and I felt fine passing on the pancakes. I did, however, eat a generous helping of homemade tapioca pudding. Yum!

  5. I love getting those points in too! I don't work out on Sundays but make up for it on the other days. It really is nice to have a rest day. Way to go on making such great choices. Healthy is the key!!

  6. Melissa, I'm taking the Sabbath day break too, and boy am I grateful for it!

  7. My new trainer Paul told me today that you should take one day off a week from exercise. Audrey, maybe there should be 5 points for giving ones body a rest day and of course, Sunday is the perfect day to rest.
