Thursday, March 25, 2010

Ms. Thunder Bumper's Challenge #4

This challenge if you choose to accept it will carry over to our next session.

You will receive 10 points for each session for completing this task. Make sure you write down where you started so you can see how you improve.

I would like you to do a plank for as long as you can. Try holding it for one minute. If you can do that....try a side plank. If you don't know what that is, ask. After you time yourself on this keep working on it every other day or so until I ask you to test yourself again and see if your time has improved.

Holding the plank is a great core exercise. Here are two types of plank. Do the one that is best for you. If you need to you can always modify it further by putting your knees on the ground. Try working up to a regular plank.

SECOND- Can you do push-ups? How many can you do? You can try regular, bent knee, wall, bench. Just try to do them. Work on this and see how you can improve over the next few weeks. Push-ups are great for your shoulders, arms, back, and core!

Get to it Ladies! Cardio is great but if you're not using those muscles they won't be toned and ready for swimsuit season. Can't wait to hear how you do!


  1. Opps, I posted on accident without getting my text in there! Here it is!!! Enjoy!

  2. Speaking of exercise...did you see the doctor on the a.m. news saying women over forty need an hour of exercise 7 days a week?!

    Crazy! I'm not buying that one.

  3. Oh Audrey! This sounds like so much fun. I'm excited!

  4. Let us now worship at the altar of the Almighty Plank.

  5. I saw that new report!! I thought, "yeah right!"

    And Audrey, are you trying to kill me? How about I just let you know if I survive??

  6. I can plank for 15 sec, forget the push up....isn't happening.

  7. I did the plank for 32 seconds. Not so great. But then I did 20 push ups, which I'm quite proud of. Must be hefting that baby around that's making my shoulders stronger.

  8. Plank (the hard one on the forearms) for a minute and 7 seconds. I've been doing it for awhile now. When I started, it was more like 20 seconds.

    Push ups: 12, the man way, but I'm not going all the way down and I did them right after the plank.

  9. OK Apis, the competition is on! :)
    I did the plank for 2 minutes 4 seconds then 15 man push-ups right after which were killer! Thanks for the motivation :)
    Just think of how great we will look in our swimsuits this summer if we keep this better!

  10. I meant keep this's Friday can you tell?

  11. I did the plank for 1 minute and 30 seconds and 12 push ups on my knees. I did these after an hour Core workout with the P90x so I am hoping I will do better next time.

  12. I wish I could say this sounds fun...but I did yoga with Marci the other night and it bout killed me. I thought it was going to be was the total opposite. I'm going to give this my best shot though!

  13. Jen made me hold the plank for 3 minutes. She made me cry! Just kidding, she just cheered me on. I did 39 push ups. And Susan! You are so brave to do the plank after doing p90x. I can barely get up my stairs after those work outs!
