Friday, June 4, 2010

Day, Interrupted

I know more than a few of you will be able to relate with this post (Queen Vee, I'm looking in your direction!) Today, all my best laid plans got lost in this book. I didn't work out. Because I didn't work out, I went over my range. I didn't even get to my kids to bed at a decent hour. Life stopped until I finished this book.

And it was soooooo gooooood, I don't regret it at all!


  1. I have heard a lot of good things about this book. Guess I ought tp givr it a try.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. It's about time that you fed that book, whoops, I meant read that book. Now it's on to the second (Catching Fire), but may I suggest you run a few miles before you start it as you've got plenty of time before the third and final book (Mockingjay) comes out on August 24th.

    So glad you liked it and yes Alicia you do need to read this trilogy. Mindy I just finished the Bartimaeus Trilogy and loved it too. Gave it to Thomas for his B-day, you may want to put it on your readuing list also.

  4. I LOVE THAT BOOK!! The second is just as good and I can hardly wait until the third comes out in August! To me, that book is totally worth missing a workout...but I prefer books over almost anything!

  5. Just make yourself a deal Min - you won't read the next one until you've exercised twice and eaten three healthy meals! :)

  6. Oh yeah, the Queen Vee has sidetracked me with that book too. A good book can definitely interrupt all good food and exercise intentions. I'm trying to not let that happen with another QV recommend right now (the trilogy gift to T), but it's hard!

    But very apropos since the books are somewhat loosely about food.

  7. Where have I been? I have never heard of that book! Looks like I need to get a hold of a copy. Mindy, I never said congrats on winning the "Congratulations!".

  8. Thanks Marci!

    Melissa- So glad someone else picked up on the irony here!

  9. Melissa are you reading the "T"? I had to reread Eclipse on my trip so I was ready for the movie in a couple weeks. Sorry, I'm a bit of a freak about those books. If those are the ones you were talking about.
