Sunday, March 14, 2010

Report Your Numbers For Week 1 Here!

Please report your numbers for week one in the comment section here so I have them all together!!!!

Don't forget your points for the first Challenge. I'll let you decide if you get the full 10 points. Did you toss, pass up a purchase in the store or show your strength by passing it up in your house? That should give most of you full point....unless you didn't post/comment about it.

Also, don't forget to make your goal for the 30 point challenge. If your not sure what I'm talking about look at the points list on the side bar.

You are all amazing women. You've made me smile, laugh and want to be better all week!

It may not be easy but it will be worth it!


  1. Audrey, are we counting Monday through Sat? Or do we wait till today is over, and count today too?

  2. I'm going to count last Sunday until Sat. (yesterday). My total for the week is 199. Not too bad, but I could have done better!

    **Note: I have made a special rule for myself. Whether I post to the blog or not each day, I'm going to give myself the full 5 points for posting. My reasoning is this: I love this challenge, but I am on the computer way too much (I'm a college student - all internet classes)and in the best interest of me and my family, if I don't post to this blog each day, then I'm being a better Mom and Wife. Audrey, deduct my points if you want to, but that's my rationalization. :)

  3. I did 174...needs much improvement.

  4. You can wait to the end of day and give me your full points for the week if you want. It will all balance out by the end.

  5. 201 this week. I would be more enthusiastic about my score, but I've been sick the past couple of days and couldn't even enjoy my free range days. Blah.

  6. 183. It's nice to have a new week to work on!

  7. 173 this week, including a really bad day on Friday. Recommitting to exercise this week and hoping for good weather.

  8. 183 this week and I need to improve on that. Had to reign in the birthday celebrating but I still have a happy teenager so I did not do any permanent damage to her happiness.

  9. This week was not good. I only scored 161. Yes, i know it's pitiful. Just means I need to do better this week. My downfall was exercise. Will do better this week!

  10. I scored 160 for this week. Not too good. I had a couple of stressful days with my son and some tests he had to have and ate a Cadbury Creme Egg. I was disgusted by my weakness, but got back on the saddle. I didn't post a couple of days and lost points there too. This is a better week. I got fitted for new running shoes and can't wait to get out and move in them!! Keep it up ladies!! You are all an inspiration!

  11. It looks like I get the toilet bowl award this week with a woppin' 131 in points. Of course I have excuses, but won't list them. I'm glad this challenge is 3 weeks long. Now I only can improve so I figure I'm in a good spot.

  12. 156. After starting on Wednesday I did pretty good on my calorie range and exercise, but totally sucky on eating all my fruits and veggies and drinking enough water. I used one of my freebie calorie days on Saturday at a big family party with mexican food and banana splits. But I only went over 400 calories, which is WAY better than I would have done in the past. I went grocery shopping this weekend and bought lots of fruits and veggies and some of those Oroweat Sandwich Thins. Here's to a great week 2!

  13. Oops, I forgot the 10 point challenge. So my total for week one is really 166.

  14. I am working on just counting calories and so I didn't count points. Actually the points don't really matter to me, I am just here to read what you all write and gain encouragement from that. Someone said that counting calories had worked for them, so I am focusing on that. Besides last week was a bust in so many ways. But on to next week...

  15. i will post that tomorrow, i have been sick w/ the stomach flu all weekend and finally ate a little bit today for the first time since Saturday! I haven't even opened my book to write anything down since Friday!! Will hopefully be able to start tomorrow, plus I am going to a new Dr. tomorrow, which I am thrilled about!!

  16. I'm going to go ahead and say zero. I didn't keep track because it was a CRAZY moving week so I'm sure I got SOME points, but I'll go with zero and start this week. Hopefully next challenge will be better, but I'm not giving up!
