Saturday, January 29, 2011

My tools for success.....

I got through this challenge pretty successfully this time....for me that is. Here was some of the things that helped me along the way!

My calorie counter app on my phone. I can look up foods, restaurants, etc. and then add it to my food diary for the day. If whatever I'm eating has a barcode, I just scan the barcode and all the nutrition information pops up for me. It so easy to use and super fast. It also counts my exersize calories for the day. Its usually pretty close to what my treadmill says since I can add how fast I was walking/jogging. Pretty nifty.

My water bottle. Grabbed a couple of these at the beginning of the challenge. The bottle is 33.8oz which means if I drink 2 its just over what I need to drink for the day. I keep this on my desk and drink it throughout the day, and have been successful at drinking 2 a day every weekday. Yep, still working on the weekends. We get Alhambra water delivered to my work so it's always nice a cold...and not from the tap. I'm weird about my water...

Chocolate Peanut Butter protein bars. When everyone else at work is downing brownies, cookies, candy....I usually grab one of these for a mid morning or afternoon snack. It hits my "I really need some chocolate right now" mood and also makes me drink lots of water. Bonus!

Baby steps! I'm definitely no where near my healthy vision but I've taken a lot of baby steps in the right direction. If I have to drink a soda, I have a diet. I know, I know...I shouldn't. Sadly, soda (or pop for all of you east of California) is almost like a release for me. Like shoving a brownie in my mouth. It's a baby step I haven't gotten to, but at least I've cut the calories.

Hope you all had a great couple of weeks!

Can't wait to have some of these tomorrow! They're staring at me right now!!


  1. Oooo those Raisinets look really good. I want something chocolate and chewy right now LOL.

  2. I need to get one of those water bottles. I struggle to drink enough water on the days that I don't exercise because I'm not starting off with a big boost of water intake. And I have a little toddler who cannot resist any open cup sitting around, so I keep my water cup on the kitchen counter so he can't reach it. This keeps me from sipping away at a steady pace when it's not in front of me all the time.

  3. Water bottles are awesome! But my Emma steals my water all the time, too, but at least with a water bottle, I know it's not gonna get spilled. Sue, get Mack his own special water bottle. Maybe he'll leave yours alone!

    I'm so planning out my naughty treats tomorrow, bought a big chocolate bar to scarf down.

  4. I need to get an iphone and one of those water bottles. I never drink enough water on the plus side I don't drink any soda anymore...none.

  5. I am on weight watchers point plus and I have been searching for an app that would scan the barcode, give me nutritional information and then calculate the points. Any idea if it does the points and if it's available for android os?
