Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Music as a Motivator

I love music! It is such a powerful medium. Lately as I am driving to and from my Irish dance class, I have the rare opportunity to crank the radio and sing along like no one is watching (except the people in the car next to me at the stoplights, but really who cares). It is actually a great stress reliever and its gotten me thinking about some of the songs I actually find motivating in a "Healthy Wife Happy Life" kind of way. If I was still in high school I would make you all a mixed tape :) but oh technology is wonderful and I can just put the playlist right in this post.

So here are some of my motivating songs in no particular order:

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

I could really get out of control with this so this is just a taste. If you don't have time to listen to them all just make sure you listen to "Just the Way You Are" because that one is dedicated to all of you AMAZING gals. Now your turn, what are some of your motivating songs?


  1. Cammy, this was my morning wake up music today. What a bright and encouraging way to start the day! Thanks for the lift. And for bringing music to HWHL!

  2. I am always looking for GOOD motivating and WHOLESOME music. THANKS for your list. If you have more please send them my way!

  3. Cammy, I love this! I am going to blast it while I work out tonight! Thanks so much. I will think of you every song!!!

  4. I love music, and it's a total motivator for me also. I loved listening to these songs. Some of them I hadn't heard before. Thanks for sharing!!!
