Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I Did 2/3 of a Triathalon Today!

Okay, that's a BIG WORD - Triathalon.

Let me explain.

I was coasting around the internet yesterday, and was checking up on I came across her post about doing the Seattle Danskin Triathalon. I thought, "How cool it would be to be able to do that someday!" Her triathalon was an 800-yard swim, then a 13-mile bike ride, and last a 3.1 mile run (hello, that's a 5K!). And I thought, "Hey, 800 yards, that's just under half a mile. I ran 1.75 miles, followed by 0.625 mile swim (1100 yards) on Saturday." As I stood there today in front of the treadmill, ready to run 2 miles, I thought, "Yeah, I bet I could run 3 miles." So, I did it! I tell you what, I was clinging onto the treadmill off and on about the last half-mile, so I don't know if that counts entirely, but I kept picking up my feet, nonetheless. Then, after drinking the rest of my water and walking around for a couple of minutes, I dragged myself huffing and puffing down the stairs to the locker room, where I changed into my swimsuit, stood under the shower to wash off the sweat, and then headed out to the pool. I swam 880 yards (1/2 mile) in 26 minutes (yes, I am super slow, but steady). Then, I threw in another four laps (220 yards), just because. So, I did 2/3 of the Danskin Triathalon today!! Holy Monkeys!!

Okay, yes I know, compared to the Ultra distance triathalon, or IronMan Triathalon (3.8 km swim, 180 km bike ride, 42.2 km run), the Seattle Danskin Triathalon is what is known, according to Wikipedia, as a Sprint distance triathalon (interpretation - Sissy Triathalon). But darn it, I'm going to feel a big sense of accomplishment anyway. Yey for me!!!

Random quotes:

"It's too big a world to be in competition with everyone. The only person who I have to be better than is myself." Colonol Potter-MASH - I definitely have to ascribe to this one, because I will NEVER win an athletic competition. I'm just too darned short, long torso & short stubby legs. But I can always compete and finish the race!

"The only place 'success' comes before 'work' is in the dictionary." Vince Lombardi - Thank you, sports drill sergeant, but it's so true.


  1. Becky, that's such a great accomplishment. I'm doint the happy dance for you!

  2. Becky, my favorite line in your post: just because. You are awesome, woman! So when are you and Sue gonna write your memoirs of a mom and inner athlete?

  3. I couldn't do the swimming if my life depended on it. I'd have to float my way to survival so KUDOS to you athlete Becky and your successful 2/3 triathlon. Great Vince quote!

  4. Oh Becky, I loved this post! You are amazing~ Are you going to go for the tri? I think you really should. We'll all cheer you on!
