Monday, June 14, 2010

Checking Out

I'm checking out of the last week of this challenge. I've got too much going on, and something's gotta give. Saturday we fly east to meet up with Our Fearless Leader, The Queen Vee, The Dragonfly, and later next week, Apis Melliflora. Between now and then I have about a million things to do. I'll still exercise and eat right, it's just the point tracking, posting and commenting that must suffer. Hopefully.

Until then, Adieu.


  1. Mindy can't wait to see you! Put what you've learned into action this busy week. Can't wait to hear how it goes.

  2. Checking out so that you can check into Virginny is okay by me. It will be busy week for me too....can't wait till Saturday.

  3. You can keep going with the most important stuff: eating right and getting some exercise in. Yes you can. you can. you can. I'm bringing my sneakers and gym clothes!

  4. The Director of Physical Education, aka "Master of the Sword," is eagerly awaiting this group of alleged physical specimens.

  5. Ya know Kernal Ken- just because this says healthy wife, doesn't mean you can't join in on the fun. I'm sure we'd all let you participate instead of being a specator. Tempting???
