Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Winner!

Congratulations Marci for kicking off the year right! You are a rock star and will keep us all on our toes as you train for your race in March!

There may have been a bump in the road for many of us as the year started but keep moving forward. There is no time like the present to make good choices.

Becky, I'll try to get a link up with the past winners! That's a great idea. The actual duration of each challenge may be a little harder.

I also plan on updating the recipe site. I'll let you know when I get that done.

Welcome Elle! We're glad to have you on board.

As you can see from Melissa's post I had a wonderful weekend in Ohio. I even ate well on our drive home thanks to Panera and their wonderful salads!

Keep working hard!!


  1. Marci,

    You are running circles around us. Love it! Way to go!

  2. Congrats Marci and welcome back! I hope you are feeling like your self.... of course your are, your STRONG as ever!!

  3. Marci, I hope to be as fit as you some day but then I'd probably have to somehow reverse the aging process. Congrats on your well deserved win.

  4. Congrats Marci!!

    Aud, let me know if you need help with the updates!

  5. You're completely depressing me with your serious-athlete-doing-an-awesome-job-ness. I need to get me some of that.

    Okay, I think I'm discovering I have this really weird inner character/personality that only comes out online. I am NOT silly/crazy/outgoing/obnoxious in person. I'm more like the wall-flower in the homecoming dance of life.

  6. Marci, I wanna be you when I grow up.

  7. Marci,
    You are such a cutie! Congrats on winning this last round and good luck training for your upcoming race.

  8. Thanks everyone! I've been with out the internet for the last week, and have missed all your sweet comments and inspiration. Thanks for cheering me on! I need it!
