Monday, July 26, 2010

Spaghetti tricks

I did something sneaky. And something healthy. And it was for my whole family. I used 1/3 whole wheat noodles to 2/3 regular white noodles when I made spaghetti last night. I made sure to mix the all noodles in with the sauce before serving it up to the troops. And you know the punch line: nobody noticed the difference! They all gobbled it right up! Next time I'm flipping the ratios. Bru ha ha ha. (Evil healthy mama laugh).


  1. Good for you! I just bought whole wheat spaghetti one day and never turned back. Interestingly, it's my husband who has the problem with it. Everyone else is fine!

  2. I'm the same with Jen. I love whole wheat spaghetti and use nothing but. Good job Melissa.

  3. Great idea sneaking the healthy eating into the spaghetti. I use zucchini instead of noodles which is even healthier although not quite as filling.

  4. Mmm great idea, I always forget about sneaking in the healthy stuff.
