Thursday, June 10, 2010

I took your advice today and got back to work. Yesterday, I rested, and it was awful. I barely left the couch. Today is much better. I woke up and went for a long walk, then came home and got through about half of an arm work out, and half of an ab work out. That's about all I could handle, but I decided it was better to listen to my body and not push it too hard.

I really think moving has helped me feel better. I was trying to explain to my husband how I feel if I don't exercise during the day. He didn't really understand, but I feel such weight and stress leave my shoulders after I work out. Do you know what I mean? I find I am much more patient with my children. I was not a good mom yesterday, hopefully today will be better.
Thanks for all the support and encouragement. I feel so honored to know you all.


  1. I can't decide what's more inspiring: your bright cheery house or your ripped arms. I have those push up thingies too. ( Inspired to purchase by Audrey, yep). I haven't used them in awhile. I think you're coming out of it. Go Marci!

  2. I couldn't do what you're doing even in my healthy non-cold state so your one up on me and looking mighty fine. I hate missing exercise now because I feel like I'll totally slack off. Hope you feel even better tomorrow cause summer colds are never fun.

  3. You look waay too good to be sick girl! I am glad you are feeling better :)

  4. I am glad you are feeling better! You have some serious toned arms girl!!!

  5. I thouht these pictures were from a magazine! WOW!
